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Ramune Soda Melon Flavor Japanese Drink

Ramune Soda Melon Flavor Japanese Drink

Ramune Soda is a sweet, carbonated Japanese soda. What distinguishes Ramune soda from the rest is its unique design. Each glass bottle features a codd neck shape, named after the inventor Hiram Codd, and comes equipped with a marble ball at the top. The main purpose of the marble is to seal the bottle, holding in the carbonation, but it is also an exciting way to commence your drinking experience. Once the seal is unwrapped, the marble is pressed into the bottle.

To drink:
1. Remove the film
2. Take off the opener from plastic cap
3. Place the opener at the top of the bottle and press down with your palm
4. The marble will be dropped but then keep pressing for 5 sec. to protect the liquid from coming out

Ramune was originally introduced to the Japanese in the 1880's by the British as a lemon-flavored soft drink. Over time the word lemonade evolved into Ramune which is what we know it as today.

  • Facts: Product of Japan
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